God gave me the vision for this brand in 2016. I heard Him, but I kept putting it on the back burner. I was at a dead end job and I was desperately looking for a change to better support my wife and family. I was going on interview after interview with no results. I would take phone interviews on my lunch break or leave work early and ask my coworkers to cover for me However, I kept pressing forward knowing that one day, a change would come.

I received an email for an interview at an organization that I felt really aligned with my skillset. The interview went well enough for them to call me back for a second interview (at this point, I was nervous and excited). The second interview went pretty well and the Executive Director said that I would hear something back before Thanksgiving (the second interview was on November 8, 2016). The next few days at work, I prayed and prayed that I would hear back from this organization about the job. At one point, I was in the elevator about to deliver a bunch of cellphones to a department, (I was the supervisor of a mailroom). I literally knelt in the elevator and prayed to God that this new job would be the change I was looking for. At any time, someone could have got on the elevator while I was praying, but I didn’t care!

A few days later, the regional manager was at my job in the mailroom making ridiculous demands. I was almost at my breaking point (literally was this 👌🏿 close to losing my cool). My phone went off and it was a text message from the Executive Director that said “Are you available for a phone call right now?”. I replied, “Yes, I am.” She offered me the job and asked when I could start. I said “I can start in two weeks, if that’s okay with you.” After I hung up, I immediately thanked God for about five minutes straight before I called my wife to tell her the good news. Fast forward five years later, I’m still with the organization and this is the best job I’ve ever had! My immediate supervisor, office manager and colleague are like REAL family.

I say all of that to say that prayer really works. You just have to keep trusting God no matter how frustrating, tiresome or rough it gets. There isn’t anyone walking this earth that can tell me that God isn’t real and prayer doesn’t work. That’s why I always “Pray Until Something Happens” (P.U.S.H.) & “Pray After It Does” (P.A.I.D.). I launched P.U.S.H. & P.A.I.D. Apparel in 2019 and look at the brand name as a victory statement!!!

What has prayer done for you???